- 794年
- 1192年
- 1999年
- 2000年
- 2001年
- 2020年
- 2021年
- 1 ~ 999年
- 1000年代
- 1000 ~ 1009年
- 1010年 ~
- 2000年代
- 2000 ~ 2009年
- 2010年 ~
- 紀元前・紀元後の英語表現
書く write |
言う・読む say / pronounce |
1 | one 1 |
9 | nine 9 |
10 | ten 10 |
11 | eleven 11 |
99 | ninety-nine 99 |
100 | one hundred 100 |
101 | one hundred one 101 |
200 | two hundred 200 |
210 | two hundred ten 210 |
512 | five hundred twelve 512 |
999 | nine hundred ninety-nine nine hundred ninety-nine |
1000年代 (1000 ~ 1009)
書く write |
言う・読む say / pronounce |
1000 | one thousand one thousand |
1001 | ten o one ten o one |
one thousand one 1001 |
1002 | ten o two ten o two |
one thousand two 1002 |
1003 | ten o three ten o three |
one thousand three 1003 |
1004 | ten o four ten o four |
one thousand four 1004 |
1005 | ten o five ten o five |
one thousand five 1005 |
1006 | ten o six ten o six |
one thousand six 1006 |
1007 | ten o seven ten o seven |
one thousand seven 1007 |
1008 | ten o eight ten o eight |
one thousand eight 1008 |
1009 | ten o nine ten o nine |
one thousand nine 1009 |
1000年代 (1010 ~ 1999)
書く write |
言う・読む say / pronounce |
1010 | ten ten ten ten |
1011 | ten eleven ten eleven |
1899 | eighteen ninety-nine eighteen ninety-nine |
1900 | nineteen hundred nineteen hundred |
1901 | nineteen o one nineteen o one |
1999 | nineteen ninety-nine nineteen ninety-nine |
2000年代 (2000 ~ 2009)
書く write |
言う・読む say / pronounce |
2000 | two thousand two thousand |
2001 | twenty o-one twenty o-one |
two thousand (and) one 2001 |
2002 | twenty o-two twenty o-two |
two thousand (and) two 2002 |
2003 | twenty o-three twenty o-three |
two thousand (and) three 2003 |
2004 | twenty o-four twenty o-four |
two thousand (and) four 2004 |
2005 | twenty o-five twenty o-five |
two thousand (and) five 2005 |
2006 | twenty o-six twenty o-six |
two thousand (and) six 2006 |
2007 | twenty o-seven twenty o-seven |
two thousand (and) seven 2007 |
2008 | twenty o-eight twenty o-eight |
two thousand (and) eight 2008 |
2009 | twenty o-nine twenty o-nine |
two thousand (and) nine 2009 |
※ 左右どちらでも大丈夫です。
2000年代 (2010 ~)
書く write |
言う・読む say / pronounce |
2010 | twenty ten twenty ten |
two thousand (and) ten two thousand ten |
2011 | twenty eleven twenty eleven |
two thousand (and) eleven two thousand eleven |
2012 | twenty twelve twenty twelve |
two thousand (and) twelve two thousand twelve |
2013 | twenty thirteen twenty thirteen |
two thousand (and) thirteen two thousand thirteen |
2014 | twenty fourteen twenty fourteen |
two thousand (and) fourteen two thousand fourteen |
2015 | twenty fifteen twenty fifteen |
two thousand (and) fifteen two thousand fifteen |
2016 | twenty sixteen twenty sixteen |
two thousand (and) sixteen two thousand sixteen |
2017 | twenty seventeen twenty seventeen |
two thousand (and) seventeen two thousand seventeen |
2018 | twenty eighteen twenty eighteen |
two thousand (and) eighteen two thousand eighteen |
2019 | twenty nineteen twenty nineteen |
two thousand (and) nineteen two thousand nineteen |
2020 | twenty twenty twenty twenty |
two thousand (and) twenty two thousand twenty |
2021 | twenty twenty-one twenty twenty-one |
two thousand (and) twenty one two thousand twenty-one |
2022 | twenty twenty-two twenty twenty-two |
two thousand (and) twenty two two thousand twenty-two |
2023 | twenty twenty-three twenty twenty-three |
two thousand (and) twenty three two thousand twenty-three |
2024 | twenty twenty-four twenty twenty-four |
two thousand (and) twenty four two thousand twenty-four |
2025 | twenty twenty-five twenty twenty-five |
two thousand (and) twenty five two thousand twenty-five |
2026 | twenty twenty-six twenty twenty-six |
two thousand (and) twenty six two thousand twenty-six |
2027 | twenty twenty-seven twenty twenty-seven |
two thousand (and) twenty seven two thousand twenty-seven |
2028 | twenty twenty-eight twenty twenty-eight |
two thousand (and) twenty eight two thousand twenty-eight |
2029 | twenty twenty-nine twenty twenty-nine |
two thousand (and) twenty nine two thousand twenty-nine |
2030 | twenty thirty twenty thirty |
two thousand (and) thirty two thousand and thirty |
※ 左右どちらでも大丈夫です。
- 従来の表記 (キリスト教の影響を受けた表記)
- 宗教によらない表記
従来の表記 (キリスト教の影響を受けた表記)
BC (Before Christ) | 紀元前 |
AD (Anno Domini) | 紀元後 |
BCE (Before Common Era) | 紀元前 |
CE (Common Era) | 紀元後 |
- 紀元前の英語表記例
- 紀元後の英語表記例 (~1988)
- 平成元年以降の英語表記例 (1989~)
年 Year |
読み方 Pronouncing |
メモ Memo |
BCE3000 | three thousand BCE three thousand BCE |
エジプト文明 |
BCE1600 | sixteen hundred BCE sixteen hundred BCE |
殷王朝成立 |
BCE1120 | eleven twenty BCE eleven twenty BCE |
周王朝成立 |
BCE753 | seven (hundred) fifty-three BCE seven hundred fifty-threeBCE |
ローマ建設 |
BCE551 | five (hundred) fifty-one BCE five hundred fifty-one BCE |
孔子誕生 |
BCE73 | seventy three BCE seventy three BCE |
スパルタクスの反乱 |
BCE60 | sixty BCE sixty BCE |
第一回三頭政治 |
※ AD と言いたい場合は BCE をAD「エーディー」と置き換えてください。
紀元後の英語表記例 (~1988年)
年 Year |
読み方 Pronouncing |
メモ Memo |
593 | five hundred ninety-three 593 |
聖徳太子が摂政 |
645 | six hundred forty-five 645 |
大化の改新 |
710 | seven hundred ten 710 |
平城京遷都 |
794 | seven hundred ninety-four 794 |
平安京遷都 |
939 | nine hundred thirty-nine 939 |
平将門の乱 |
1016 | ten sixteen ten sixteen |
藤原道長が摂政に |
1159 | eleven fifty-nine eleven fifty-nine |
平治の乱 |
1192 | eleven ninety-two eleven ninety-two |
鎌倉幕府、源頼朝が征夷大将軍 |
1333 | thirteen thirty-three thirteen thirty-three |
鎌倉幕府滅亡 |
1338 | thirteen thirty-eight thirteen thirty-eight |
足利尊氏が征夷大将軍 |
1467 | fourteen sixty-seven fourteen sixty-seven |
応仁の乱 |
1582 | fifteen eighty-two fifteen eighty-two |
本能寺の変 |
1600 | sixteen hundred sixteen hundred |
関ケ原の戦い |
1603 | sixteen o-three sixteen o-three |
江戸時代、徳川家康が征夷大将軍 |
1637 | sixteen thirty-seven sixteen thirty-seven |
島原の乱 |
1853 | eighteen fifty-three eighteen fifty-three |
ペリー来航 |
1866 | eighteen sixty-six eighteen sixty-six |
薩長同盟 |
1894 | eighteen ninety-four eighteen ninety-four |
日清戦争 |
1904 | nineteen o four nineteen o four |
日露戦争 |
1914 | nineteen fourteen nineteen fourteen |
第一次世界大戦 |
1941 | nineteen forty-one nineteen forty-one |
太平洋戦争開始 |
1945 | nineteen forty-five nineteen forty-five |
戦争の終結 |
1964 | nineteen sixty-four nineteen sixty-four |
東京オリンピック (昭和39年) |
1988 | nineteen eighty-eight nineteen eighty-eight |
昭和63年 |
平成元年以降の西暦 (1989年~)
年 Year |
読み方 Pronouncing |
メモ Memo |
1989 | nineteen eighty-nine nineteen eighty-nine |
平成元年 |
1995 | nineteen ninety-five nineteen ninety-five |
阪神淡路大震災 地下鉄サリン事件 |
2000 | two thousand two thousand |
ミレニアム・イヤー |
2001 | two thousand one two thousand one |
アメリカ同時多発テロ twenty o one でも可 twenty o one |
2008 | two thousand eight two thousand eight |
金融危機 twenty o eight でも可 twenty o eight |
2011 | twenty eleven twenty eleven |
東日本大震災 two thousand (and) eleven でも可 two thousand eleven |
2019 | twenty nineteen twenty nineteen |
令和元年 (平成31年) two thousand (and) nineteen でも可 two thousand nineteen |
2020 | twenty twenty twenty twenty |
東京オリンピック2020 (延期) 令和2年 (平成32年) two thousand (and) twenty でも可 two thousand twenty |
2021 | twenty twenty-one twenty twenty-one |
東京オリンピック2021 令和3年 (平成33年) |
2022 | twenty twenty-two twenty twenty-two |
令和4年 (平成34年) |
2023 | twenty twenty-three twenty twenty-three |
令和5年 (平成35年) |
2024 | twenty twenty-four twenty twenty-four |
令和6年 |
2025 | twenty twenty-five twenty twenty-five |
令和7年 |
2026 | twenty twenty-six twenty twenty-six |
令和8年 |
2027 | twenty twenty-seven twenty twenty-seven |
令和9年 |
2050 | twenty fifty twenty fifty |
two thousand (and) fifty でも可 two thousand fifty |
2099 | twenty ninety-nine twenty ninety-nine |
two thousand (and) ninety nine でも可 two thousand ninety nine |
2100 | two thousand one hundred two thousand one hundred |
「年」を強調したいときは、the year 2020 のように the year を年号の前につけます。
This work lasted until 2010.
They were martyred in 312 BCE.
Few of them will be alive in the year 2080.
The team last won the championship in 1996.
They say that he united the small countries in 650.
The economist predicts a fall in unemployment by 2001.
the year 2020
2020年 (2020だけでもOK)
Before Christ (BC)
Anno Domino (AD)
Before Common Era (BCE)
Common Era (CE)
win the championship