



  • £3.01
  • €13.15
  • $12.25


  • penny と pence の違い
  • ドルの読み方・言い方・スペル
  • ユーロの読み方・言い方・スペル
  • ポンドの読み方・言い方・スペル
  • 主な通貨の読み方・言い方・スペル






ドル ($) : dollar

お金 英語
one cent
five cents
ten cents
twenty-five cents
fifty cents
seventy-five cents
$1 one dollar
$2 two dollars
$2.25 two dollars and twenty-five cents
$3 three dollars
$3.67 three dollars and sixty-seven cents
$4 four dollars
$5 five dollars
$6 six dollars
$7 seven dollars
$8 eight dollars
$9 nine dollars
$10 ten dollars
$11 eleven dollars
$12 twelve dollars
$12.25 twelve dollars and twenty-five cents
$13 thirteen dollars
$14 fourteen dollars
$15 fifteen dollars
$16 sixteen dollars
$17 seventeen dollars
$18 eighteen dollars
$19 nineteen dollars
$20 twenty dollars
$21 twenty-one dollars
$21.75 twenty-one dollars and seventy-five cents
$22 twenty-two dollars
$23 twenty-three dollars
$24 twenty-four dollars
$25 twenty-five dollars
$25.01 twenty-five dollars and one cent
$25.1 twenty-five dollars and ten cents
$30 thirty dollars
$40 forty dollars
$50 fifty dollars
$60 sixty dollars
$70 seventy dollars
$80 eighty dollars
$90 ninety dollars
$100 one hundred dollars
$111.11 one hundred eleven dollars and eleven cents
$123.45 one hundred twenty-three dollars and forty-five cents
$200 two hundred dollars
$500 five hundred dollars
$612.65 six hundred twelve dollars and sixty-five cents
$1,000 one thousand dollars
$10,000 ten thousand dollars
$100,000 one hundred thousand dollars
$1,000,000 one million dollars
$10,000,000 ten million dollars
$100,000,000 one hundred million dollars
$1,000,000,000 one billion dollars

ユーロ (€) : euro

お金 英語
one cent
two cents
five cents
ten cents
twenty cents
twenty-five cents
fifty cents
€1 one euro
€2 two euros
€4.5 four euros and fifty cents
€5 five euros
€8.25 eight euros and twenty-five cents
€10 ten euros
€13.15 thirteen euros and fifteen cents
€15 fifteen euros
€20 twenty euros
€33.33 thirty-three euros and thirty-three cents
€50 fifty euros
€60.01 sixty euros and one cent
€60.1 sixty euros and ten cents
€100 one hundred euros
€200 two hundred euros
€350 three hundred fifty euros
€484.95 four hundred eighty-four euros and ninety-five cents
€500 five hundred euros
€1000 one thousand euros

イギリスポンド (£) : pound

お金 英語
one penny
two pence
five pence
ten pence
twenty pence
twenty five pence
fifty pence
£1 one pound
£2 two pounds
£3.01 three pounds and one penny
£3.1 three pounds and ten pence
£5 five pounds
£7.75 seven pounds and seventy-five pence
£10 ten pounds
£11.45 eleven pounds and forty-five pence
£20 twenty pounds
£20.25 twenty pounds and twenty-five pence
£50 fifty pounds
£100 one hundred pounds
£365.80 three hundred sixty five pounds and eighty pence
£500 five hundred pounds
£1000 one thousand pounds



penny と pence の違い
penny ペニー (イギリスの通貨の最小単位)
pence penny の複数形

参考 : 他の通貨記号と読み方・言い方


通貨記号 スペル・読み方・言い方 国名
won 韓国
kip ラオス
Ch. chhertum ブータン
K kyat ミャンマー
lari ジョージア
дин dinar セルビア
$ dollar アメリカなど
đồng ベトナム
฿ baht タイ
peso フィリピン
£ pound イギリス
LL pound レバノン
hryvnia ウクライナ
euro 欧州連合
(European Union)
R rand 南アフリカ
riel カンボジア
RM ringgit マレーシア
ruble ロシアなど
Rp rupiah インドネシア
rupee インド
¥ yüan 中国
¥ yen 日本
bitcoin 仮想通貨
たとえば「3 たす 4 は 7 です」「7 と 3 の差は、4 になります」「12 を 3 で割ると 4 になります」「3 に 4 をかけると、答えはどうなりますか?」は、英語で何と表現すればよいのでしょうか? […]




